Fifth Class - More EF Core, Beginners Web!

Recording from tonight
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Code Files From Tonight

Project (Console App):

Web Project (Created Tonight):

Web Development Slideshow From Tonight:

HTML File Created Tonight:



Tonight we continued with C#, forging into Entity Framework!

  1. More EF Core!
  2. Intro to Web Development (See Slideshow Above)
  3. Our First HTML Page (See HTML File Above)

Next time we will be continuing with C# reading:

Prerequisite Information

Here's the needed software list again if anyone isn't set up

For Mac you might need to run Windows virtually or follow this guide to install SQL Server:

Needed software (all free to download and cross-platform)

If you have any questions or concerns about installing any of these let me know.

This is the Material we are going to cover, and some references to get you started: